
Essential React

01 Server-Side Rendering
02 Setup
03 Routing
04 Data Fetching
05 Forms & Actions


Create a new Remix app

                $ npx create-remix@latest pokedex-remix
                  ? What type of app do you want to create?
                    > Just the basics
                  ? Where do you want to deploy?
                    > Remix App Server
                  ?  TypeScript or JavaScript?
                    > TypeScript
                  ?  Do you want me to run `npm install`?
                    > Yes
                $ cd ./pokedex-remix
                $ npm run dev

File Structure

Initial files of Remix app folder
  • app/routes/*.tsx
    route files (more details in next chapter)
  • app/entry.*.tsx
    complete control over server and client entry points (optional)
  • app/root.tsx
    describes the app's HTML document / root layout
  • public/*
    public asset files
  • remix.config.js
    dev server / build options
Initial files of Remix app folder


NPM Scripts

npm run dev

Starts the app in dev mode with hot reload

npm run build

Creates a production build of your app (output in build and public/build folders)

npm start

Starts Node.js server in build folder

For deployment to common platforms consider using a template (see

npm run typecheck

Runs TypeScript compiler to ensure type-safety in build pipeline (not done automatically by Remix compiler)


Intro to Route File Naming

General conventions

  • Remix uses the same concepts and core logic as React Router
  • Use file names to define routes
  • Route files are placed in app/routes
  • Flat file structure (no nested route folders)
  • Co-location of non-route files is possible

_index indicates an index route

→ URLs / and /blog

Static route segments

→ e.g. /about and/blog/archive

Use the dot delimiter for nested routes

→ URLs /blog/…

Dynamic route segments (parameters) start with a dollar symbol

→ e.g. /blog/five-great-tips-for-2024

See Remix docs for more details.

Route Module API

Route Module API


How can we redirect to a different route?

E.g. //blog

How can we redirect to a different route?

E.g. //blog


Must be a named export called loader.


→ redirects to blog.tsx

Other Useful Route Module Exports


  1. npx create-remix@latest <app-name>
  2. Set up routes for pokemon list, pokemon detail, and profile pages
  3. Display mock data





Complete solution code can be found on GitHub on the branch exercise-02-routing.

Data Fetching



  • Single, optional loader per route (export loader)
  • Run on the server (only)
  • Define a HTTP endpoint: request → response
  • useLoaderData to access response data in component



Modifying the HTTP response

Modifying the HTTP response

Return a Response object…

Modifying the HTTP response

…or throw it!


  • Load the data for the list and detail pages from the Poke API
  • Show the Not Found page if an unknown pokemon name is passed in the URL
  • Stretch goal: Transform the data from the PokeAPI so that only the needed data is sent to the client





Complete solution code can be found on GitHub on the branch exercise-03-data-fetching.